Auto Insurance in and around Lewiston
Auto owners of Lewiston, State Farm has you covered
Insurance that lets you take the front seat
Would you like to create a personalized auto quote?
- Lewiston
- Auburn
- Sabattus
- Minot
- Greene
- Oxford
- Durham
- Topsham
- Lisbon
- Lisbon Falls
- Brunswick
- Bath
- Freeport
- Poland
- Turner
- Yarmouth
- Mechanic Falls
- Hebron
- Bowdoin
- Gray
- New Gloucester
- Litchfield
- Bowdoinham
- Cumberland
Be Ready For The Road Ahead
If "vehicle owner" describes you, car insurance is your next step. And since that vehicle is no doubt a necessary piece of your day-to-day, you'll want to make sure to choose the right amount of dependable coverage, as well as maximize your eligible savings. Don't worry, State Farm has options to fit your needs.
Auto owners of Lewiston, State Farm has you covered
Insurance that lets you take the front seat
Get Auto Coverage You Can Trust
State Farm's terrific options for auto coverage include, but are not limited to, liability coverage, comprehensive coverage and medical payments coverage. Additionally, you may also qualify for our excellent savings options, like an older vehicle passive restraint safety feature discount, a newer vehicle safety features discount, an anti-theft discount, and more! Your State Farm agent Sam Francis can help you sort through what options are right for you.
Contact agent Sam Francis's office to learn the advantages of State Farm's auto insurance.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Sam at (207) 784-6731 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Sharing the road with farm vehicles
Sharing the road with farm vehicles
Rural driving might be relaxing but these roads are shared with farm vehicles and can have risks. Here are tips to help when driving in rural areas.
What is car depreciation and how can it be minimized?
What is car depreciation and how can it be minimized?
Worried that your car is worth less before you even drive it off the lot? Learn more about how car depreciation works and check out our handy calculator.
Sam Francis
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Sharing the road with farm vehicles
Sharing the road with farm vehicles
Rural driving might be relaxing but these roads are shared with farm vehicles and can have risks. Here are tips to help when driving in rural areas.
What is car depreciation and how can it be minimized?
What is car depreciation and how can it be minimized?
Worried that your car is worth less before you even drive it off the lot? Learn more about how car depreciation works and check out our handy calculator.